Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund

Investing for a sustainable future

Document Library

Factsheet KIID
Interim report Annual report
Holdings report Monthly note
Quarterly note Prospectus
Assessment of value Fund brochure
Sustainability process TCFD Report

For additional fund documents and share classes visit our literature library

Awards and Ratings


Why invest in the Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund?

  • David Harrison has a long history of sustainable investing, with a particular focus on global small and mid-cap stocks
  • Focused on buying companies with durable advantages that compound profits over time, and which benefit from long-term growth driven by more sustainable business practices and consumer behaviour
  • Greenbank, an ethical, sustainable and impact research division of Rathbones that can’t be influenced by our fund managers, has a veto on holdings, minimising the risk of greenwashing  
  • The majority of holdings demonstrate clear activity alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and we provide full transparency for this
  • You don’t need to sacrifice the financial quality of companies to invest sustainably 


Sustainable investing means different things to different people. For us, it’s about creating lasting wealth for investors, society and the environment. That means great companies acting responsibly, but also returns that beat global stock markets. It’s also vital that sustainable fund managers are completely transparent about their aims and their process, so investors know exactly what they are getting. You can read our sustainability framework in depth here.

When choosing investments we look for businesses that should deliver profit growth at reasonable values. We prefer companies with the best product or service in their markets because we think that creates defensive ‘moats’ around their businesses that prevent them being defeated by rivals.  

We invest only in companies that operate sustainably and are committed to helping achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We avoid companies that fail our rigorous sustainability criteria. We believe that companies displaying strong environmental, social and governance policies and practices are well positioned to deliver long-term returns for investors. As shareholders we work with companies to encourage best practice and highlight any concerns we have.

We are clear about why we own each stock, what it contributes toward making the world and society better and how we think it will deliver profits for investors. You can see our latest case studies document here.

The objective of our fund is to deliver a greater total return than the FTSE World Index, after fees, over any five-year period. There is no guarantee that this investment objective will be achieved over five years, or any other time period. We use this index as a target for our fund's return because we want to offer you higher returns than global stock markets. You can find our fund’s full objective and investment policy in our Key Investor Information Document (KIID).

Click here for the latest assessment of our performance. 

Fund Overview
Costs and Charges

MiFID II charges

S class

Ongoing charges figure (OCF) as at 30.04.2023

Transaction costs

Total MiFID II charges

The MiFID II charges include the Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) and transaction costs. 

Prices and dividends

Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund ISA application Form (S-Class) 2024/2025

8 July 2024

Download File

Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainable Portfolios Application Form (S-Class) For Corporate Investors

8 July 2024

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Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund TCFD Product Report

30 June 2024

Download File

Rathbone Global Sustainability Fund Factsheet S class

30 June 2024

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Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund - Annual review

30 June 2024

Download File

Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund, key investor information document, S class

17 June 2024

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Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund - full fund holdings information

31 May 2024

Download File

Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability, annual report and accounts

30 April 2024

Download File

Rathbones Asset Management Assessment of Value 2023 Report (Consolidated)

30 January 2024

Download File

Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund - Case study brochure

11 January 2024

Download File

Meet the fund manager

David Harrison

Fund manager

David Harrison

Fund manager

David is lead fund manager of the Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund. He joined Rathbones in June 2014 after 14 years working in equity analysis and fund management, including time at Hermes and Goldman Sachs. David is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder and holds the Investment Management Certificate. He graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Economics and Politics from the University of Southampton. 

David is lead fund manager of the Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund. He joined Rathbones in June 2014 after 14 years working in equity analysis and fund management, including time at Hermes and Goldman Sachs. David is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder and holds the Investment Management Certificate. He graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Economics and Politics from the University of Southampton. 


Manager David Harrison details his fund’s recent performance and why he has been adding to more defensive areas of the stock market in the second half of 2023. He also explores some of the most interesting technology stocks in his portfolio and why they should remain long-term compounders of profits. Finally, he explains why the energy transition is a powerful investment theme, but one that requires patience.

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