Searching for growth from Silicon Valley to Beverley Hills

Trading places
Article last updated 19 February 2023.
Like Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd in John Landis’s classic film Trading Places, it pays to walk a while in someone else’s shoes. It gives you perspective and leads to questions that would never have occurred to you before. It gives you the opportunity to lunch with Jay-Z. It can also lead to pain, embarrassment and discomfiture in pursuit of a dollar bill.
Just before Christmas, Rathbones head of multi-asset investments David Coombs jetted to the West Coast to find out what was cooking at the heart of the American digital revolution. This research helped our multi-asset portfolio funds team act quickly when the markets slumped. Several companies were added to the funds as prices fell and the team used their knowledge to pivot further toward US stocks.

For an insight into the multi-asset team’s ‘unique’ way of looking at businesses (and into David’s fevered imagination), please view a copy of our Trading places report here.